
fortune telling



The runes were created in northern Europe around the 4th century AD and are still just as popular today. The story told is that the Norse God Odin speared his body to a tree to gain a greater understanding of the symbols he then passed on his knowledge to the Vikings and the runes have been known since then as the Viking runes.


Numerology is the study of numbers and the meaning associated with each number. Numbers play a role in your everyday life and they all have energy, your house number, telephone number, your day of birth and so on. Numerology can reveal aspects about your life, love, family, personality and career. Using simple calculations you can discover your own numbers.


Palmistry shows how your entire life is mapped out in the palm of your hands. Even Julius Caesar used palmistry to help him make decisions. The future is read in your right hand and the past in your left hand. The hand revealing your past gives information about the inner you and the influences in your life when you were growing up.


The art of face reading, has been around for centuries, it is the art of reading the facial features of a person to gain insight into their personality, your face gives away more than you can possibly imagine, it is the mirror to the inner you. Face reading opens up a world of information about someone without them uttering a word and the more you practice the more proficient you will become. The Chinese believe in unlucky and lucky faces and profess that the face indicates what a person’s life will be like, and whether they will be able to create a secure financial future for themselves. They also believe that what you put into life you will get out of life.


Tea leaf reading or teomancy ( reading of coffee grounds is called cafeomancey) has been around for centuries. When reading tea leaves you are meant to go beyond the symbol in the cup, it is necessary delve more deeply into your psyche. Tea leaf reading can help you to tune into and expand your intuition and your psychic ability, although anyone can learn the art of tea leaf reading without having psychic ability, just by learning the symbols and committing them to memory. The interpretation of the symbols is the seekers quest to understand themselves, the simple act of sitting down, making a pot of tea, drinking the tea and then focusing on the symbols is meditative.


Everyone has the ability of clairvoyance, which means ‘clear seeing’, viewing with your psychic eye, this enables you to see into the past, the present or the future. You are perceiving energies that are not tangible, and by opening your third eye you are able to embrace a different type of vision. Through clairvoyance you will have the opportunity to perceive things before they happen and you will be able to tap into the astral plane, you can also receive information from your spirit guides.