

Joining a Coven

Joining a Coven

As a practicing witch you may decide you would like to join a coven, by doing this you will be agreeing to abide by the lore of the individual group, so before you choose you may first like to inquire about the philosophy of the particular coven you are interested in. Covens do not seek members, if you want to join a coven you must find one and ask for permission to join. You will be admitted at the discretion of the coven members. As opposed to life as a solitary witch, life within a coven will have specific requirements that need to be met. The positive aspects are that there will be readily available knowledge and guidance from seasoned witches, and you will always have the companionship of like minded souls. Once you have joined a coven, there will be recognised degrees associated with the craft. Witches who choose coven life do so because they enjoy the sense of family associated with it, and like the idea of having someone to look to for guidance.